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Changelog Alpha 0.2.9
Changelog 0.2.9 Patch size ~230Mb
Added: - Adjustable tooltip font size
- Screen edge panning
- Adjustable cursor size on Linux
- New building: Academy
- Research window (can be accessed in any built Academy)
Fixed: - Fog of War revealed by teammates
- Buildings chimney smoke
- Worker sometimes stuck on their building node
- Worker walk back to building position when building is destroyed while working
- Carriers stuck when picking item up while loading
- Carriers and workers start "dancing" at very low fps
- Exception when node is destroyed while worker or carrier releasing item
- Items delivered back into storage after providing when target building has only one free slot left
- Worker stuck at workplace or before building when no possible path to target was found
- Carrier walk sometimes not into storage when path is destroyed
- Carrier walks home and leaves path empty when releasing goods at building and building gets destroyed
- Leveler animation is not stopped when building site is paused
- Builder still increments progress when construction site is paused and is walking to storage
- Peasant and farmer plant on roads when constructed under them while working
- Peasant and farmer throw exception when road is constructed under them while harvesting
- Scene loading times
- Typos and grammar (thanks to Codyak)
- Serfs don't use position ray casting anymore (huge performance improvement)
- Code refactoring to reduce CPU load
- Faster military enemy search
Known issues: - Sometimes carriers are requested from warehouses far away if nearest warehouse is busy
- Bots may cause heavy lags
- Cursor not changing visuals on Linux